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Provérbios 14

1 Every wise womanThat is, takes pains to profit her family, and to do that which concerns her duty in her house.buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

2 He that walketh in hisThat is, in uprightness of heart, and without hypocrisy.uprightness feareth the LORD: but [he that is] perverse in his ways despiseth him.

3 In the mouth of the foolish [is] aHis proud tongue will cause him to be punished.rod of pride: but the lips of the wise shall preserve them.

4 Where noBy the ox is meant labour, and by the crib the barn, meaning, without labour there is no profit.oxen [are], the crib [is] clean: but much increase [is] by the strength of the ox.

5 A faithful witness will not lie: butFor the maintenance of his own ambition, and not for God's glory, as Simon Magus.a false witness will utter lies.

6 A scorner seeketh wisdome, and findeth it not: but knowledge is easie to him that will vnderstande.

7 Depart from the foolish man, when thou perceiuest not in him the lippes of knowledge.

8 The wisdome of ye prudent is to vnderstand his way: but the foolishnes of the fooles is deceite.

9 Fools make a mock atDoes not know the grievousness of it, nor God's judgments against the same.sin: but among the righteous [there is] favour.

10 The heart knoweth its ownAs a man's conscience is witness to his own grief, so another cannot feel the joy and comfort which a man feels in himself.bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with its joy.

11 The house of the wicked shalbe destroyed: but the tabernacle of the righteous shall florish.

12 There is a way that seemeth right to a man: but the issues thereof are the wayes of death.

13 Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful;He shows the allurement to sin, that it seems sweet, but the end of it is destruction.and the end of that mirth [is] heaviness.

14 The backslider in heartHe who forsakes God will be punished, and made weary of his sins, in which he delighted.shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man [shall be satisfied] from himself.

15 The foolish will beleeue euery thing: but the prudent will consider his steppes.

16 A wise man feareth, and departeth from euill: but a foole rageth, and is carelesse.

17 He that is hastie to anger, committeth follie, and a busie body is hated.

18 The foolish do inherite follie: but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.

19 The evil bow before the good; and the wickedIf this come not daily to pass, we must consider that it is because of our sins, which hinder God's the gates of the righteous.

20 The poore is hated euen of his own neighbour: but the friendes of the rich are many.

21 The sinner despiseth his neighbour: but he that hath mercie on the poore, is blessed.

22 Doe not they erre that imagine euill? but to them that thinke on good things, shalbe mercie and trueth.

23 In all labour there is abundance: but the talke of the lippes bringeth onely want.

24 The crowne of the wise is their riches, and the follie of fooles is foolishnes.

25 A faithfull witnes deliuereth soules: but a deceiuer speaketh lyes.

26 In the feare of the Lorde is an assured strength, and his children shall haue hope.

27 The feare of the Lorde is as a welspring of life, to auoyde the snares of death.

28 In the multitude ofThat is, the strength of a king stands in many people.people [is] the king's honour: but in the lack of people [is] the destruction of the prince.

29 He that is slowe to wrath, is of great wisdome: but he that is of an hastie minde, exalteth follie.

30 A sounde heart is the life of the flesh: but enuie is the rotting of the bones.

31 He that oppresseth the poore, reprooueth him that made him: but hee honoureth him, that hath mercie on the poore.

32 The wicked shall be cast away for his malice: but the righteous hath hope in his death.

33 Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding: but [that which is]Forasmuch as they are convicted by it, and the midst of fools is made known.

34 Iustice exalteth a nation, but sinne is a shame to the people.

35 The pleasure of a King is in a wise seruant: but his wrath shalbe toward him that is lewde.

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