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Judith 7

1 {cf2 And when they were come to Ecbatane, they came to the house of Raguel: and Sarra met them, and after they had saluted one another, shee brought them into the house.}

2 {cf2 Then sayde Raguel to Edna his wife, Howe like is this yong man to Tobit my cousin!}

3 {cf2 And Raguel asked, Whence are you, my brethren? To whome they sayd, that they were of the tribe of Nephthalim, and of the captiues that dwelt at Nineue.}

4 {cf2 Then he sayde to them, Doe ye knowe Tobit our kinsman? And they sayd, We know him. Then said he, Is he in good health?}

5 {cf2 And they sayde, Hee is both aliue, and in good health: and Tobias sayd, He is my father.}

6 {cf2 Then Raguel leaped, and kissed him, & wept,}

7 {cf2 And blessed him, and sayde vnto him, Thou art the sonne of an honest and good man: but when he had heard that Tobit was blinde, he was sorowfull and wept.}

8 {cf2 And likewise Edna his wife, and Sarra his daughter wept. Moreouer they receiued them with a ready minde, and after that they had killed a ram of the flocke, they set much meat on the table. The sayd Tobias to Raphael, Brother Azarias, put forth those things whereof thou spakest in the way, that this businesse may be dispatched.}

9 {cf2 So he communicated the matter with Raguel, and Raguel sayde to Tobias, Eate, and drinke, and make merry.}

10 {cf2 For it is meete that thou shouldest marrie my daughter: neuerthelesse, I will declare vnto thee the trueth.}

11 {cf2 I haue giuen my daughter in marriage to seuen men, who dyed that night which they came in vnto her: neuerthelesse, be thou of a good courage and merry. But Tobias sayde, I will eate nothing here, vntill yee bring her hither, and betrothe her to me.}

12 {cf2 Raguel sayd then, Marry her then according to the custome: for thou art her cousin, and shee is thine. God which is mercifull, make this prosperous to you in all good things.}

13 {cf2 Then hee called his daughter Sarra, and shee came to her father, and he tooke her by the hande, and gaue her for wife to Tobias, saying, Beholde, take her after the lawe of Moyses, and leade her away to thy father: and he blessed them,}

14 {cf2 And called his wife Edna, and hee tooke a booke and wrote a contract, and sealed it.}

15 {cf2 Then they began to eate.}

16 {cf2 After, Raguel called his wife Edna, and sayde vnto her, Sister, prepare another chamber, and bring her in thither.}

17 {cf2 Which when she had done, as he had bidden her, shee brought her thither: then Sarra wept, and her mother wiped away her daughters teares,}

18 {cf2 And sayde vnto her, Be of good comfort, my daughter: the Lorde of heauen and earth giue thee ioy for this thy sorowe: bee of good comfort my daughter.}

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