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Judith 11

1 {cf2 After these thinges Tobias went his way, praysing God that hee had giuen him a prosperous iourney, and blessed Raguel and Edna his wife, and went on his way till he drewe neere to Nineue.}

2 {cf2 Then Raphael said to Tobias, Thou knowest, brother, howe thou diddest leaue thy father.}

3 {cf2 Let vs haste before thy wife, and prepare the house,}

4 {cf2 And take in thine hand the gall of the fish. So they went their way, and the dog followed them.}

5 {cf2 Nowe Anna sate in the way looking for her sonne,}

6 {cf2 Whom when she sawe comming, she sayd to his father, Behold, thy sonne cometh, and the man that went with him.}

7 {cf2 Then sayd Raphael, I knowe, Tobias, that thy father shall receiue his sight.}

8 {cf2 Therefore anoynt his eyes with the gall, and being pricked therewith, he shall rub and make the whitenesse to fall away, and shall see thee.}

9 {cf2 Then Anna ranne foorth, and fell on the necke of her sonne, and sayde vnto him, Seeing I haue seene thee, my sonne, from henceforth I am content to die, and they wept both.}

10 {cf2 Tobit also went forth toward the doore, and stumbled, but his sonne ranne vnto him.}

11 {cf2 And tooke hold of his father and sprinkled of the gall on his fathers eyes, saying, Bee of good hope, my father.}

12 {cf2 And when his eyes began to pricke, he rubbed them.}

13 {cf2 And the whitenes pilled away from the corners of his eyes, and when he sawe his sonne, he fell vpon his necke,}

14 {cf2 And hee wept and sayde, Blessed art thou, O Lorde, and blessed be thy Name for euer, and blessed be all thine holy Angels.}

15 {cf2 For thou hast scourged me, and hast had pitie on me: for beholde, I see my sonne Tobias: and his sonne, being glad went in, and tolde his father the great things that had come to passe in Media.}

16 {cf2 Then Tobit went out to meete his daughter in lawe, reioycing and praysing God to the gate of Nineue and they which saw him go, marueiled, because he had receiued his sight.}

17 {cf2 But Tobit testified before the al, that God had had pitie on him; when he came neere to Sarra his daughter in lawe, he blessed her, saying, Thou art welcome, daughter: God be blessed, which hath brought thee vnto vs, and blessed be thy father: and there was great ioy among all his brethren which were at Nineue.}

18 {cf2 And Achiacharus and Nasbas his brothers sonne came.}

19 {cf2 And Tobias marriage was kept seuen dayes with great ioy.}

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