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2 Coríntios 2

1 I decided but with myself this, that not again in grief to you to come.

2 If for I grieve you, indeed who is the one gladdening me, if not the one being grieved from me?

3 And I wrote to you this same thing, so that not having come grief I have from of whom it behooves me rejoice; having confided in all you, that the my joy of all of you it is.

4 Out of for much affliction and anguish of heart I wrote to you through many tears, not that you might be grieved, but the love that you might know, which I have more abundantly towards you.

5 If but any one has been grieved, not me he has grieved, but from parts, that not I may bear hard upon, all you.

6 Sufficient to the such one the censure this which by the majority;

7 so that on the other hand rather you to freely forgive and to comfort, lest by the more abundant grief should be swallowed the such one.

8 Wherefore I entreat you to publicly confirm to him love.

9 In order to this for also I wrote, so that I might know the proof of you, if to all things obedient you are.

10 To whom but anything you freely forgive, also I; even for I what have freely forgiven, if anything I have freely forgiven, on account of you, in presence of Anointed;

11 that not we should be overreached by the adversary; not for of him the devices we are ignorant.

12 Having come but to the Troas for the glad tidings of the Anointed, and a door to me having been opened by Lord, not I had rest in the spirit of me, by the not to come me Titus the brother of me;

13 but having bade farewell to them, I went out into Macedonia.

14 To the but God thanks to that always leading to triumph us in the Anointed, and the order of the knowledge of himself is manifesting through us in every place.

15 That of Anointed a sweet order we are to the God in those being saved and in those perishing;

16 to them indeed an order of death into death; to those but, an order of life into life. And for these things who sufficient?

17 Not for we are like the many, adulterating the word of the God; but as from sincerity, but as from God, in presence of the God, in Anointed we speak.

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